I have received an award from my dear friend Sassy Pants Freckle Face and I will now attempt to fulfill the guidelines and pass this oh so wonderful award on to others!
The Rules
A) first list
B) pass the award on to other bloggers that you feel embody the spirit of the Honest Scrap.
The Truths
1) I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE being a mommy but am SCARED TO DEATH to have another child. Could I live with myself if the outcome wasn't so good!! But yet, I want another child or maybe 2 or 3. Life isn't fair!!
2) I DESPISE slow drivers. I have no patience for you slow idiots! There are only so many minutes in a day and I don't want to waste them following you!!
3) I am scared of my future as an old person. Alzheimers is a horrible disease and I see the toll and the division it is causing my family with my Grandpa and don't want to think about the possibilities of doing that to Mike or Karlee. Let's find a cure!!
4) I can't stand it when someone is mad at me. I am strong as hell but when I think I have done something to upset or hurt someone, I am as weak as ever no matter if I am right or not!!
5) I can burp the alphabet!! (Not something I am proud of but hey we are being honest here, right)
6) I love to take Karlee to the mall to play just so I can sit and people watch. Thank God for cell phones and texting so I can share my people observations with all my friends who are not at the mall!!
7) I am a horribly forgetful person and even if I do remember to write something down to remind me that I need to do something......I forget to look at the paper to remind me to do it!! I need a personal assistant!!
The Nominations