Monday, December 1, 2008

Fisher-Price's Little Mommy Real Loving Baby Cuddle & Coo Doll

You be the judge of what this doll is saying!! This is a doll that of Karlee's and there is quite the contraversy over what the doll is saying. This is an actual video of her doll!! Comment with what you think it says. I have the doll go through it twice so you can hear it twice. People are being outraged by this doll saying it says al qaeda is the light, islam is the light or even some that say satin is king. See if you can hear either of the 3 statements in this doll. Karlee has 2 of them and we returned a third one a month ago. Crazy!! It has been all over the news and Wal-Mart pulled them off their shelves. Fisher-Price says the dolls just jabbers and says Mama and that it is just a bad recorder!! You be the judge!!!


Unknown said...

Crazy, creepy doll! Justin and I kindof thought we heard the " the light" statements, but would not have been able to pull the words out if we hadn't read the assumptions first. weird!

OUR WILD ZOO! said...

Aaaahh, Kandis I did hear Islam is the light at the very end. YIKES. The rest sounded like cute jabber to me.
Okay that is kinda creepy!
I probably would never have paid any attention if we had the doll in our house though. I don't hear half the jabber coming from my 2 year old, much less a doll from the store. Oh well.

LOVE your new family pictures! They turned out great. Your studio does such a great job. The girls get a "deer in the headlights" look at our studio or else I'd love to get a Christmas one done.

Hope you're enjoying this beautiful season :)