It has been a while since I last updated.....sorry for that!! Here are a few pictures since the last update!!

Karlee wasn't sure at all of the parade when we first got there!! She is such a chicken and at first was afraid she was going to see something that was scary!! Once the parade got going and she realized there was candy involved, it was all over!! She had fun hauling in the candy and in the end, had way more candy than she needed!!

We took Karlee to the Shrine Circus!! When we told her that the circus was going to be here and that we were taking her, right away she said, "I have to get my hair done". I was like, "WHAT?" She said again, "I have to get my hair done for the Circus Town Whoop-De-Do ". I was LMAO....There is a JoJo Circus episode where JoJo's lion Goliath gets his hair done for the Circus Town Whoop-De-Do so as soon as Karlee heard Circus, that is all she could think of!! Needless to say, I had to get her hair done after that so the day of the Circus, I took and had her hair braided! She was sooo excited to have her hair done for the Whoop-De-Do. When we got to the Circus, she right away started whining being afraid of the clowns and 5 minutes after sitting down, she told Mike and I that it was time to go Bye-Bye!! Once the Circus started and I got her to realize that the clowns weren't going to come over to her, she started to relax and by the end of the night was clapping and having a great time!!

My parents, sister and niece came for Easter!! Karlee waited till Tay-Tay was here to dye eggs! As soon as they got here, Karlee was ready to start dying and was not going to wait any longer!!

We had a great Easter!! The Easter bunny, Grandma & Grandpa & Aunt Kodi majorly spoiled Karlee with toys and candy!! After all the eggs were found and mommy had all the candy hid, we had Easter lunch at our house! Mike's 2 brothers and their families joined us along with my parents, my sister, my niece and my mom's brother, Jeff and his family!! It was great having all the family over!!

The Easter Bunny brought Karlee a water table!! It was a BIG hit and she is loving washing her dishes and even her hair!! :-)

My baby is growing up way
toooo FAST!! It is amazing to me how her imagination works!! She picks up the craziest things and imagines them as something!! This is a plastic Christmas Light holder that she found outside yesterday when we were doing yard work!! She right away started carrying it around calling it her baby!! I went in the house to start dinner while she kept helping Mike outside!! All at once, I heard screaming and crying and ran outside thinking that she was hurt!! When I got out there, she is crying and starts saying, "I can't find my baby"!! She was hysterical because she had lost her baby (plastic Christmas light holder) and couldn't find it! THANK goodness Daddy came to the rescue and was able to find it!! I just love watching her grow and learn new things but at the same time it makes me
sooo sad!!
The next few week for the Albertson Family are very busy!! Work is busy for me.......we have the Parade of Homes this weekend and next weekend that I will be working!! Then on Sunday, May 3, Mike and I fly to Las Vegas for 4 days to celebrate our 5 year anniversary!! This will be the first time that Karlee has stayed without me and Mike both!! She stayed once overnight without me but Mike was here!! My parents are coming up and staying here with her so hopefully it won't be too hard on her since she will be at home!! Say a prayer for Mike and I though that we will actually enjoy our trip and not spend the whole time missing Karlee and worrying about her!!
Lastly, I would ask that you all be in prayer for
Baby Stellan. I have posted before about Stellan and he is still in need of prayer! He had heart surgery today and they were not able to do everything that they needed to do to repair his heart!! The next few days will be very telling for of the path God has chosen for this precious baby boy!! Please visit
MckMama's blog to update yourself on his story and to also leave your thoughts and prayers for him and his family!! I can't imagine Karlee ever being sick and having to go through that!! Kiss your kids and be very THANKFUL for their health!!
This has turned into a very long post and I apologize for that! I hope that everyone is loving the summer weather we are having and are all doing well!!
I loved reading the latest details of life at the Albertson house and the cute pictures. You're such a great mom, Kandis and it's obvious how much fun you have with Karlee. She is SOO blessed. I'll be thinking of you on your Vegas trip-it will be a blast. Just enjoy and guys deserve it!!! CONGRATS ON FIVE YEARS!
Thanks for letting us babysit for Karlee. It truly was a very enjoyable week for dad and I. Karlee was a joy to keep. You and Mike have done a great job with her. Dad and I are looking forward to the next time that we are given the priviledge of babysitting. Love Mom.
Wow. Fun, fun, fun! I followed your link from Beki's and got the abbreviated version of you life since MArch- good timing. :)
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