Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Please pray for Baby Stellan

I'm asking everyone to please pray for 5-month old Baby Stellan...he has been in the hospital with some very serious heart issues for the past few days, and it seems to be getting worse (Click here for his website). Some of you may know Stellan's story, but if not, I encourage you to read about the miracle that was performed on him while in the womb. He desperately needs another miracle to survive, so please pray for Stellan, his medical team & his family as well!!


Gina, Ken, Matthew and Lincoln Phillips said...

My heart goes out to this family Kandis. I keep checking back for updates. He's such a sweet baby boy and his story brings me to tears.

OUR WILD ZOO! said...

I have been following this AMAZING little boy's journey since he was in the womb. He has been in my prayers continuously- looks like today's report is looking up, Praise God!

OUR WILD ZOO! said...

I love your new blog header/page- how are you? I was just checking in to see the latest and get my Karlee fix :) Hope you had a wonderful Easter!