I decided that instead of trying to catch up (I will add some posts later to do that), that I would just forge ahead with what is happening now!! We had a GREAT 4th of July and I had soooo much fun watching Karlee enjoy the holiday. She is finally getting to an age where she gets what holidays are and I can honestly say that because she is getting older, I think this has been her favorite holiday so far.
Mike had to work for part of the day so Karlee & I ventured to Laurel to watch the parade. My Uncle Jeff & his wife Dawn ended up meeting us over there as well and we all had so much fun watching Karlee figure out what a parade is all about.....CANDY!! She would ask the floats as they came by, "Please, can I have some candy"!! It was tooo CUTE!! She waved her flag and was even blowing kisses sometimes to the floats. We ended up being there for about 3 hours and she was engrossed the whole time which is no small feat to entertain a 2-year old with the same activity for 3 hours. As soon as we got in the car and started driving home, she right away said, "I had fun at the parade with you Mommy" so I knew she had really enjoyed it!!

After the parade, we headed home to take a nap so that we wouldn't be grouchy staying up late for fireworks!! After nap time, Mike made it home and then Mike's bother Dustin & his friend Eddie came over. We bbq'ed and did a few fireworks (sparklers, snakes and blooming flowers). Karlee
loved doing the sparklers and was a little disappointed she couldn't light the snakes herself!!

After lighting our fireworks, we all headed over the Laurel to watch their fireworks display. This was the first year that Karlee stayed up to see the fireworks and I wasn't sure how she would do with the loud booms! She was a little worried when they first started that they would fall on us but after she realized they wouldn't she loved them!! It was
sooooo fun to watch her face react to the fireworks and see how much she enjoyed them.

It was a good time had by all of us and I can't wait for many more 4ths to make even more memories. I hope everyone else had a great 4th of July and also remembered to thank the Service Men/Women who protect our freedoms.
P.S. After the fireworks, Eddie received a call that his niece, her boyfriend and their baby had been hit by a drunk driver and that she was hurt pretty badly (the boyfriend & their baby and the drunk driver were uninjured). Please keep her in your prayers for a speedy recovery. The guy who hit her already has 3 DUI's and unfortunately was out on the roads to be able to drink and drive again and hurt another person.