I decided that instead of trying to catch up (I will add some posts later to do that), that I would just forge ahead with what is happening now!! We had a GREAT 4th of July and I had soooo much fun watching Karlee enjoy the holiday. She is finally getting to an age where she gets what holidays are and I can honestly say that because she is getting older, I think this has been her favorite holiday so far.
Mike had to work for part of the day so Karlee & I ventured to Laurel to watch the parade. My Uncle Jeff & his wife Dawn ended up meeting us over there as well and we all had so much fun watching Karlee figure out what a parade is all about.....CANDY!! She would ask the floats as they came by, "Please, can I have some candy"!! It was tooo CUTE!! She waved her flag and was even blowing kisses sometimes to the floats. We ended up being there for about 3 hours and she was engrossed the whole time which is no small feat to entertain a 2-year old with the same activity for 3 hours. As soon as we got in the car and started driving home, she right away said, "I had fun at the parade with you Mommy" so I knew she had really enjoyed it!!

It was a good time had by all of us and I can't wait for many more 4ths to make even more memories. I hope everyone else had a great 4th of July and also remembered to thank the Service Men/Women who protect our freedoms.
P.S. After the fireworks, Eddie received a call that his niece, her boyfriend and their baby had been hit by a drunk driver and that she was hurt pretty badly (the boyfriend & their baby and the drunk driver were uninjured). Please keep her in your prayers for a speedy recovery. The guy who hit her already has 3 DUI's and unfortunately was out on the roads to be able to drink and drive again and hurt another person.
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