I decided to participate in Not Me Monday for the first time....sooo here goes!!....

Welcome to Not Me Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.
This weekend we most certainly didn't make 2 back to back trips to Chuck E Cheese after having already been there just a week prior to that as well! No not me...I wouldn't let my child play at such a place!!
While leaving from the last said Chuck E Cheese visit, I didn't say that it would be the last time I was there for quite some time only to come home and have Karlee finally poop in her potty chair which means she will be getting to go to said location soon to have a celebration party!! (I bribed her months ago with a celebration party at said Chuck E Cheese if she started using her potty chair to you know, go to the bathroom instead of her diaper. She has gladly potty all this time in her potty chair but wouldn't go poop...until today just to make me have to go back to Chuck E Cheese again soon) No, not me...I wouldn't ever make such a statement cause I am smart enough to know that such statement will bite me in the butt as soon as I say it!!
Yesterday, I didn't let my daughter miss her nap only so that I knew she would go to bed extra early being so tired so that I could catch up on some blog reading and get some Farmtown and Farkle played on Facebook last night! No, not me...I wouldn't do such a thing as making my daughter miss her nap to later benefit me, Not me!!
I am not completely on the edge of my seat wondering where MckMama and her family went on her ohhh so secretive trip!! No, Not me, I wouldn't ever been so concerned with a strangers family as to care where they went on a trip and why all of us blog readers weren't told in advance....No, Not ME!!
Well that wasn't tooo bad! Hope you all join in the fun!! If you want to know the rules and the ins and outs, check out this blog post on MckMama's blog!!
that sounds like the trick daughter is doing with her daughter right now missing late naps so go to bed on time me I have teens so they stay up late and sleep in the next day
HAHA! Loved this post, Kandis. You are awesome at it, you're a great writer. I hope you keep these "not me's" up-for real! I did it once but I don't have enough active brain cells going on in my sleep deprived state of mind to do much writing. Half of my blogging is probably misspelled and gramatically incorrect. See what I mean? That probably isn't a word, ha!
COOL that you lived in San Fran-Kandis I LOVED that city. John and I both said so many times what a great place it would be to live but so much $$$$ I would bet?!
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