What do you think of the new blog look?? I won a blog makeover from an amazing designer!! Her name is Mandy and let me just tell you a little about how amazing she is!! She has three a personal blog that she chronicles her and her husbands adventures...I usually get a good laugh when reading her blog!! She also has a website that I have talked about before called Survival Mode Parent!! It is where you can sign up as a volunteer to help other families in your area that have a child(ren) in the NICU or PICU!! Having been in the NICU, it is a great organization and a much need organization!! Visit the page and sign up today!!

& this is her last website (along with also working full-time)!! She does blog makeovers and not just any blog makeovers but blog makeovers where a portion of the cost you pay goes to a charity of choice for the month!! Right now she is supporting the National MS Society so now until April 30, 2010, 20% of everything you spend at Blogs by Mandy goes to The National Multiple Sclerosis Society. If you are ever in the market for a blog makeover, please check out Blogs by Mandy!! She is sooooo easy to work with and does amazing work!!

& this is her last website (along with also working full-time)!! She does blog makeovers and not just any blog makeovers but blog makeovers where a portion of the cost you pay goes to a charity of choice for the month!! Right now she is supporting the National MS Society so now until April 30, 2010, 20% of everything you spend at Blogs by Mandy goes to The National Multiple Sclerosis Society. If you are ever in the market for a blog makeover, please check out Blogs by Mandy!! She is sooooo easy to work with and does amazing work!!
I need to check Mandy out. My friend that does my blog is having a baby and I feel bad asking her to update mine now...
I really want more info about helping NICU parents...why don't I remember seeing anything like that? What a cool organization.
Thank you so much for your encouragement on my boutique blog.
For the record, responding to your comment...if you decide to have another baby, the FLOODGATES will open for you! hair bows, jewelry, crystals if it's a girl...blankies, tees, cute clothes if it's a boy. Either way, I will be SOOO excited to help you welcome another.
No pressure though, haha!
Thanks so much, Kanidis!! :)
Or, Kandis.
I love your new format!! I have no clue how to format my page! I'm just trying to figure it out as I go!! LOL
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