When I grow up..........I want to decorate cakes....specifically FONDANT cakes & be the next Ace of Cakes!!
So I decided to try out what I have seen on TV!!
I baked a few cakes (Lemon and Strawberry) & stacked them.....
Bought some fondant tools.....
And started decorating!!
I thought they turned out okay considering I can't even frost a cookie decently!!
This is was my second time EVER decorating a cake (first time can be found here)!!
So I then decided to try something a little harder and make a cake for Easter!!
I was again plesently SUPRISED at the results!!
Someone pinch me that I ACTUALLY made that!!
Move over Duff...here comes KANDIS!!!
Kandis the cakes look even better here than the ones you texted me. I haven't heard from Kyle or Lauren on what they have decided. Darlene is getting fed up with them also. Guess if they have to go to McDonalds after baptism they will make faster decisions the next time.
Keep up the good work Kandis. They are beautiful and something to be proud of.
Aunt Brenda
You are very talented! They look awesome.
You have GOT to be kidding me??!!! Holy cow, Kandis!! And you asked ME how I did Brayden's cake? I hodge podged his whole thing together. How in the world did you do these?
I am soooo impressed. Geesh girl, you need to get into the business. For real.
I'm so proud of you!!!
Hey, very nice site. I came across this on Google, and I am stoked that I did. I will definitely be coming back here more often. Wish I could add to the conversation and bring a bit more to the table, but am just taking in as much info as I can at the moment. Thanks for sharing.
Commode Reclining Wheelchair
Keep Posting:)
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